Yes, I know it has been over a week since I posted! And eight week photos aren't there yet, but it is amazing how busy the last week gets. For the pups this included their eye exam on Saturday (all went well) then Puppy Puzzle assessments on Sunday. So it was a very very big weekend. To top it off, on Monday our new kitten Skadi arrived, who is a little too little to play with boisterous Lappie puppies, despite what they have tried to tell me!
We also had a visitor in the last few days before they were eight weeks old, who took those photos for us, and once we've received them I'll put them up.
That visitor was here for a special reason ..... and that was to take little Tiffany home with her! Tiffany is now Veikko and is living in Sydney with Shell, big Siberian Husky brother Zero, and Mow the pussy cat! She is sure to have a fantastic life, with lots and lots of doggie activities planned! She will also be shown in NSW, and when old enough, we hope to see her back here for babies of her own.
So that leaves us with just Cartier (who will go home on the weekend) and Winston (who will be here for another couple of weeks) to love and cuddle. So we'll skip the order a bit and put a couple of photos of them up taken today.
Winston |
Cartier |
Playing ball! |
These are pretty blurry, but too cute not to share - playing with Louis!