Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day Seventy Eight - Moseying Along

Life has been fairly busy lately, so I didn't get a chance to update after the second of Emmi's progesterone tests last week.  The good news is her levels were right down, which has us now at stage two of her treatment plan ... which is pretty much doing nothing! :-)

In three weeks time we'll be back at the vet to hopefully move into stage three.  But in the meantime we wait.  With Emmi's levels back down again I have been expecting her to bounce back out of her post-season hormonal slump, but she still seems in it a bit.  The last few days Louis has been determined she is coming back into season, which is frustrating the life out of me, because she is certainly showing no other signs, and I'll be in a complete panic if she does.  Of course, Louis is often a bit "screwy" with his thinking, and maybe it is just the antibiotics he is on at the moment messing with his mind!  One can hope!

Given this period of time before the litter, that I didn't plan for, we have been working at a few achievements for Emmi to rack up.  Over the last month she has achieved a Best in Group (Group 1 for USA/UK/European readers) in the conformation ring, as well as her first pass toward her CCD title (beginners obedience level) which was gained with a first place in her ring!

So given there are no puppy photos to share ..... I'll have to tide everyone over with an Emmi photos!  Here she is with her class winner ribbon from the obedience trial:

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day Fifty Six - Feeling the Frustration

The next of the "things not going as smoothly as planned" moments hit today!  Emmi finished the course of the first of her medication last week and we were off to our local vet for a blood draw for a progesterone test on Saturday.

When I got the phone message on Saturday night to tell me her levels, along with the "you had better ring us, because she's probably just peaked", aside from a giggle - because if Emmi is in season it sure is a surprise to my boys - I knew it wasn't what we were wanting. 

It wasn't until today that I was able to get the message through to Dr Mason.  Although the medication has lowered her levels, it hasn't been quite enough, so we're going to have to continue for a little longer.  Of course, I have no tablets left, so we were arranging express post deliveries today.

It's not the end of the world, but it is a bit frustrating not to have it all go perfectly!  Not that Emmi will mind.  She was loving her "special treats" each evening!