Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day Three - A Reprieve

Today was Emmi's last outing before the door closes on her extra-curricular activities, with us heading off to a dog show for the day.

Emmi wasn't entered.  If she had come in season on time, she would be peaking right around now, and I'm personally not to keen on showing my girls during their seasons at any other time other than the very beginning.  So she sat ringside while Louis and Taija went into the ring - with a rather dirty look directed my way when she realised they seemed to be getting more treats than her.  She made up for it later, though, hunting down any poor unfortunate who looked to have their hand in their pocket, and putting on her very special flirting language!

Louis was Best in Group today, so it was a pretty special day for us.  He seemed a bit distracted in the ring today, though, not his usual self.  And if the extra sniffing is anything to go by, Emmi is becoming more and more interesting each day.

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