It is always exciting when the puppies finally open their eyes. It feels like you are finally meeting them for the first time. Each of them now have their eyes open, although they are tiny things still, burrowed in their coat a little, so it is hard to get a photo of just yet.
This is the time when gradually they become slightly more than drinking and sleeping machines. Little by little they start to interact, with slight nudges at one another and the beginnings of what will become play bites. They are also starting to respond to the human touch - Tiffany already showing signs of being a girl who will enjoy her belly rubs, while the boys are leaning into their ear scratches.
They are also now up on their feet. They are hugely funny to watch trying to walk, stumbling and falling over on to their sides. Particularly after a big meal, when their bellies are full, and they seem to just stumble to a sleeping spot like little drunks!
Of course, they still spend most of their time sleeping, and so those are the only photos I seem to capture! The first two individual shots are of Cartier, and the last photo is of Winston.
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