Monday, March 5, 2012

Day Three Hundred and Sixty One - Walking

It is hard to believe the pups are now more than two and a half weeks old.  The time just seems to fly, and they change every day.  They range between 1 1/2 and 2 kilos, but somehow now that they are up on four feet, they don't seem quite as chubby as when they are drinking or crawling around the whelping box.  But they sure do look huge next to mum now!

I've caught them starting to try and play with each other a couple of times now, which is very funny because they really don't yet have the knack, and seem to just fall over more than anything.  Emmi is now also having to make sure the whelping box is nice and clean, and she can be quite fastidious before being willing to sit down and let them have a meal!

Here is some video taken this evening.  I suspect they may have fed not long before because they didn't seem overly hungry, and a little torn between sleeping and getting up!

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